Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Center of Balance.
Do you pay attention to your center of balance when you are Golfing? Are you even aware of your center of balance?
About a million years ago, back when I was doing college theater, I had to do some physical theater. That's the artsy way of saying I had to run and jump and prance and not break my neck in the process. Being that I was not naturally coordinated or talented in that respect, this proved to be a major challenge. The director showed me an exercise to find my center of balance.
It goes like this:
Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart, sway left to right until it feels like the weight is exactly distributed between the two feet. Imagine a sheet coming down from the sky through your head and body to the point on the ground exactly halfway between your feet, dividing your body in two vertical halves (left and right). Now sway back and forth until you feel the weight evenly distributed between your toes and heels. If you are standing perfectly straight, with reasonably good posture, your shoulders should be over your hips. Imagine that there's a sheet coming down from the sky, going through your head, shoulders and body to the point on the ground exactly halfway between your toes and heels, dividing your body in two more halves (front and back.) Your center of balance is along the line where the two sheets intersect. Finding the exact center is tricky at first, but once you've done this several times, you'll find it quickly. The trick is to rotate your torso about the intersecting line, forward (like you're going to touch your toes) and backwards and rotate it around as much as you can until you get a feel for where your exact center is. (Note: For men it's going to be at or around the navel, for women it's going to be below the navel, almost down in the hips.)
Now you've found it, build a mental picture of a glowing orb around your center of balance.
Now imagine every movement you make starts from that orb. Start with simple stuff, like reaching one arm out to point directly to your side, then directly in front of you. Take a small jump in place, always starting from the orb. The movements should feel fluid and centered, the jump should start straight up and land softly without having to think about it. [If we were in theater, the would be a number of jumps and twists here. If you start every movement from the center of balance you will end up landing every one of them gracefully, but I'll fast forward to how this applies to Golf.]
There's a tendency, when wanting to clobber the ball a mile to sway completely off-balance in the backswing and to either faceplant or fall back on our butt in the foreswing. Needless to say that doesn't help with ball control and robs the swing of a lot of energy. The energy of the swing is completely wasted on the balance corrections and never actually translates to powerful, square-on contact.
Try doing the centering exercise before every shot. Then imagine your swing starting from your center of balance, the glowing orb, and continuing back and through all the way to finish, keeping the center of balance firmly in mind. The swing should feel fluid, centered, firm. Replicate that feeling as you address the ball, and go for it. For drives and long irons, it's obvious how this is beneficial: you don't fall off your shot and send it about a mile. But it helps with the short game and putting too because it minimizes all extraneous movement....
Try it. Let me know what you think.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Playing Partners and Other Psychological Pains.
If you've been following this blog, you know I'm on a quest to lower my Golf scores. Primarily I am focusing on the mental aspects of the game. My mechanics are good enough, as evidenced by periodic flashes for brilliance. But as the pros have shown us over and over, even with the most brilliant "A game" in the world, the brain can get in the way.
Playing Partners can be a joy or a Pain.
Let's start from the premise that in Golf, as in all other endeavors in life, if you can't see the end-result in your mind, you're not going to be able to achieve it. Starting a round you can't see scoring well on pretty much guaranties some pretty awful Golf.
Partners can do that to you too. If you play with a regular foursome, there is a tendency to find yourself labeled as "That Player." "That Player" can be any one of "The 'D' Player", "The one who always shanks an approach shot after a decent drive", "The one who can't get out of a bunker to save his life".... you get the idea. Unfortunately if we allow ourselves, we can quickly make those labels self-fulfilling prophecies.
It's worse when we've applied those labels to ourselves. They are harder to overcome!
I conclusively proved the point on my last round: I played in a foursome of near and dear friends. In that group, I have the reputation of being the longest hitter with the least accuracy and no short game. It was only on the fourth hole that I realized what was going on. My friends were reinforcing those notions at every opportunity with the banter. Not intentionally I'm sure. Finally realizing what was going on (and being real clear on the fact that the problem was my doing and not their doing) I started focusing on what I was telling myself....
We're in do as I say, not as I do (DAISNAID) territory here because I'm still working on this.
When I paid attention and went through my whole pre-shot routine (including visualization and feel), and made sure that my internal conversation was not negative, I did well. When I paid more attention to the banter than to my game, or allowed doubt to creep in my thinking, I did horrible.
Next time you're out, pay attention to the banter - both from your partners and from your self - and analyze it's content. Is it helping or hurting?
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Doing the right swing.
But who's swing mechanics are we concerned about here?
Every expert categorically states that [insert their preferred swing style here] is the ONLY swing style. Their grip is the only grip, their address is the only address, their... you get the picture.
High handicappers, specially high handicapper Kinetic Golfers are particularly susceptible to that kind of balderdash.
News Flash: the emperor has no clothes!!!
There is no RIGHT way to do this. Some day soon I'm going to get with my friend with the doctorate in physics and we're going to talk ballistics and angular velocit. But from what I recall from my physics 101 - 215 days: there's are several solutions to that projectile/trajectory/distance equation.
Or to put it differently: I don't care how optimum someone else thinks a swing is, if you're not comfortable with it, it's not going to work for you. Don't do it!
Ok, so on the one hand I seem to be advocating making no changes but on the other I'm trotting out this old saw about not making changes.
So which is it?
Change for the sake of change will screw you over every time.
Calculated, rehearsed change will help you.
Finding the middle ground is Zen. :)
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Don't Panic!!
A friend sent me an email the other day, concerned about the state of technology, how we can keep up with it and how we can protect our children from it. I responded to the email in my other blog in a post called "Good Shift".
It occurred to me that there were some valuable lessons for Golfers in that post:
How do we Protect and Support ourselves and our children:
- Don't Panic!
- Stay abreast
- Communicate
Don't Panic
"Panic kills." -- a Navy Pilot friend.
There are no life or death situations on the Golf course. (Even if your whole paycheck for the month is riding on the next shot!) Take the time to evaluate every shot in the context of the game. Ask yourself: is anybody going to die if you don't make this next shot? If the answer is no, then check your anxiety level, because nothing else is worth hyperventilating about.
Take the time to breathe, relax, evaluate all the options.
To the best of my knowledge, there is no situation in Golf that can be helped by a panic response. Adrenalin is a great motivator, but it has to be controlled!
Cool, Calm, Collected, Controlled thinking in the face of even the most daunting challenges can only have positive results.
Stay Abreast
Situational awareness is about knowing where you are in relationship to your environment. (There's another whole blog post here, maybe later...)
There are two levels to staying abreast.
Generally staying abreast of your Golf game means being aware of your strengths and your opportunities for improvement (OFIs) (you have no weaknesses in your game!) Work on your OFIs every chance you get, then work on your confidence about overcoming them. Once you get to the course, know your tools.
Staying abreast on the course is all about course management. There have been volumes written on the topic, I'm not going to add anything new here. But making it a priority to be situationally aware on the course is key to a) decent scores and b) (more importantly) your sanity.
Here I'm going to cheat a little. In the other blog (and traditionally) communication is about dialogue with others for the purpose of sharing or acquiring new information. My cheat is that I'm asking you to communicate with yourself.
Be aware of your self-talk, be aware of the messages you are giving yourself. For instance "I need to make this next shot." doesn't help. "I want to make this next shot." is a bit better but leaves room for interpretation. "I am going to make this next shot." is correct. Start thinking analytically about how you talk to yourself during the round and you may find other opportunities for improvement.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
When visualization is not enough.
Finally got to play again after a long (week and a half :) ) break.
Golf is a fun ol' game. I thought I was going to able to report a break-through and give y'all the secret to consistently getting spectacularly low golf scores. I think I actually heard the Golf gods laughing as I was going around.
I did ok. I shot a 94'ish. 94'ish because I got to play the round by myself, and the course was wide open so I was hitting practice balls as I was playing and I admit to getting confused as to which was the play ball and which were the practice balls a couple of times.... (possibly another reason for the Golf gods' hilarity.)
But I did learn a couple of things I'd like to share.
First, don't - repeat DO NOT - read a bunch of golf tips right before playing a round. And do NOT even THINK about trying them out on the course. It will mess you up! I know you've probably heard and/or read this advice before, but it bears repeating. Specially for us kinetic golfers. It really gets in the way of feeling our way around the game.
Let's be clear on something: all the tips I've read were excellent tips, and I'm sure if I practice them on the range first they would make a positive difference. But trying them out during a round is a big mistake.
But here's the other thing I learned: I'm sure you've always heard that you can't make a shot if you can't visualize it. This is true. I hope visualizing the trajectory of your shot is already part of your pre-shot routine. The discovery was that there's one more step for us kinetic golfers: we have to tie that vision to a "feel" for the shot.
For me it went like this: I picked my target, I visualized what the ball flight to hit the target would look like. Before addressing the ball, I imagined the swing that would result in that ball flight, then I practiced the swing to fit the feel. As I was addressing the ball, I rehearsed that feel again. Then I took the swing.
Try it. Try not to look surprised when the ball follows the exact trajectory you envisioned! :)
Let me know how this works for you.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Serendipity and Imagination.
I got an email from my friend Griz at about the same time as I finished posting my last blog entry. He pointed me at this article: Imagine this: Study suggests power of imagination is more than just a metaphor Scientific Proof of what I've been talking about!
Look at the first definition of Serendipity from
I like the thought that we may have an aptitude for serendipity.ser⋅en⋅dip⋅i⋅ty/ˌsɛr
Show Spelled Pronunciation [ser-uhn-dip-i-tee]
1. an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident.
From the study:
The authors conclude that the present study confirms "an idea that has long been espoused by motivational speakers, sports psychologists, and John Lennon alike: The imagination has the extraordinary capacity to shape reality."Think about this: In preparing for your mental game, the power of imagination is as important as your mechanical ability, if not more so. Using your imagination can lead you to those serendipitous moments on the Golf course. The ones that lead to better scores.
Let me share a true story with you. This happened on the second hole at Sherryl Park. It's a slight dog leg left, pond in front of the green 280 yards out. To my left there's a bridge across the creek feeding the pond, you cross the bridge to get to the green. For once I landed my three wood in the middle of the fairway, it rolled to about 100 yards out. As I'm contemplating the shot, and frankly figuring how I was going to screw it up -- because at the time I could not hit the broad side of a barn from 100 yards out on a good day -- I see the bridge and tell myself "wouldn't it be funny if someone rolled a ball across the bridge and unto the green?" I chortled to myself and addressed the ball. Let's just say it was an epic shank: caught it off the hosel coming inside out. The ball went skittering across the grass, bounced twice on the cart path before hitting the bridge. I think "well, that's it: another ball sacrificed to the water gods." But the stupid thing keeps rolling across the bridge. And rolling. And off the bridge. And clips the curb and bounces up toward the green. It stops about 10 yards short of the green. (I know this would have made a better story if it had actually landed on the green, but I'm only sharing truth here.)
I have never laughed so hard in my life. I looked around at my playing partners, all they could do was shake their heads.
Of course I went on to blow the chip on and three putt... but that's not the point. The point is that for some perverse reason, my imagination took over and a serendipitous moment happened!
Now then, how would it be if we practiced that imagination and got us some serendipity?
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Karma, Zen, religion and Golf
Let me talk about some assumptions first. I'm assuming that you play Golf because you enjoy the game. I'm assuming that you spend time on the Golf course because you get something out of it. I'm assuming that, being that you are sacrificing somewhere around 4 hours a round to it, this something you get out of it is of value to you.
So you know where I'm coming from, I'm Presbyterian. My Church describes itself like this:
Golf is a good place to leave any dogma behind and connect with the spiritual. Regardless of where you stand on beliefs and belief systems, given the assumptions we started with, there's a synchronicity between your game and your spiritual health. Or more succinctly (and to paraphrase a better known saying) "There ain't no atheists on the Golf course."
I'm not putting this forth to start a debate. I am saying that if you're out there, you believe in something.
If the something that you believe in is strictly you and your game, more power to you. You are probably a scratch Golfer and are reading this as a source of amusement. For the rest of us, discovering what it that we believe in (on the Golf course specifically) and tapping into it can only help our game.
There are common traits to most religions and/or belief systems: faith, forbearance, forgiveness, redemption... [if you have doubts about this statement, I invite you to do your own research and not rely on the press for your information.]
And that's where I finally come around to Karma and Zen. Though Golf is inherently a competitive game, keep firmly in mind that "what goes around comes around."
Find your center (physically: the place your balance comes from, mentally: the place your imagination comes from, spiritually: the place your joy comes from) and you will find the source of your Game. Examine it, feel it, experiment with it.
- Faith:
Believe in yourself, and your Game. Believe that [pick your guiding force] believes in you and looks out for you. - Forbearance
Don't get wrapped around the axle about things that don't matter: your partners' quirks, the slow foursome in front of you, the trash talk during the game. That's not what you're here for. - Forgiveness
Forgive yourself if you think you've messed up. Forgive your partners if you think they got in your head. Forgive in general. Don't hang on to any bile. - Redemption
Having forgiven, accept that Redemption will follow. Anticipate the reward of putting yourself in the right state of mind
Likewise my understanding of Karma is limited to what I've read, but this goes back to the "what goes around comes around." If you play with integrity and look out for those around you, you will be rewarded. (The converse is true, so watch the trash talk and please repair those divots!!)
Apart from the general sense of well-being you will achieve by focusing on these elements, as a Kinetic Golfer focusing on this aspect of you and your game allows your brain to get out of it's own way and improve your game.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Our Brilliant Stupid Brain.
The most amazing thing about the brain, for us Kinetic Golfers, is that it will believe EVERYTHING it is told. That's a double edged sword. If you tell your brain that you can't possibly make the next shot, it's going to believe you and find a way of making the statement true. Conversely if you tell it you can, it will make it happen. Try it next time you're out on the course! But I bet you've already proved the paradigm for yourself: Have you ever been in a situation where you're in the middle of the fairway, you're looking at a hazard somewhere in your field of vision and said "Don't hit the water!" If that was your last thought before you took the swing, did the ball magically find it's way to the hazard? "But wait! I thought you said the brain would adjust!!" I hear you crying. It did. But that's where the stupid part comes in. The brain does NOT process the negative. So the brain heard "Hit the Water!" and did it. Amazing huh?
I'm sure you've heard this before, it's a basic tenet of Neural Linguistic Programing (NLP): Never make negative statements. To oversimplify: "Don't fail!" will always be interpreted as "Fail!" Which means that we need to make sure we make positive statements to our brains. In other words "Hit the green" or "Hit the fairway" and the brain will do it's level best to make it happen.
There's another way to exploit our brain. If we imagine something often enough, the brain will be convinced that it's actually happened. So, while sitting in your living room, put yourself on your nemesis hole, the one that you always blow on your favorite course. In your mind, stand on the tee and see the layout, make it as vivid as you can (what's it smell like, what's the light doing, what's the wind doing, what are you hearing?) Picture yourself taking the perfect practice swing, feel the perfect coordination of all the elements of your swing. Now stand over the ball, repeat that swing exactly the same way as your practice swing. Feel the buttery soft impact of the ball leaving the club face because you've hit the perfect stroke (and of course, you've watched the ball at impact and know that your club face hit dead square on, and you know exactly where your tee went, right?) and now you look up to see the ball land and roll to the perfect fairway placement. Repeat the process for your approach shot. Repeat the process for your birdie putt. Start over from the Tee. If you do this often enough, when you get to the course the brain will absolutely believe that this is how you've always played this hole and will make you do it. A word of caution though: be careful not to get in it's way. Any thoughts of doubt on the tee will destroy the magic. I recommend that you reverse the process when you get on the Tee: think of yourself sitting comfortably in your living room thinking about this hole and how many times you've made birdie here.
Let me know how you make out. Our brain is probably the most underutilized tool in our game!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
The journey begins.
I've spent the day pondering why it is that I'm not a better Golfer than I am.
I know I can put my drives out there around 250 yards, somewhere near the fairway. (On bad days, the same zip code counts as the “near the fairway.”)
I know I can hit my 7 iron 150 yards consistently. I've sailed it 175 yards on occasion (no wind involved, just a magical feel to the impact. I'll come back to that in a minute.)
I have drained more than one 40 foot putt. I've also done it on one hole, only to miss the three footer on the next hole.
Exciting game this!
So I don't think it's strictly the mechanics of the game that are the problem. Well, not the whole problem.
It should be relatively easy to stand over any shot, remember how to do it right and cut loose. Should is the keyword.
I've concluded (prepare for big “No Duh!” moment) that it's all in my head.
Last time I played, the front nine was a disaster. It was as bad a round as some of my very first rounds. One of those front nines that make me consider giving up Golf and taking up something less demanding. Maybe tiddlywinks. Instead, after the 8th hole went the same way as the first seven, I took stock of the situation.
I noticed that I was way tense and that I was focused on a number of things that were NOT my game.
I can tell I'm not in a good place when I don't hear the birds on the course. (I know this is the Kinetic Golfer, not the Auditory Golfer, but bear with me.) If I don't hear the birds, I'm not in the moment. Stopping and making myself listen for the birds (and the breeze in the trees, and so on....), forces me to inventory myself. Sure enough, the shoulders were up around my ears, I was hung up on the fact that I'd not managed anything better than a double so far. I was replaying every bad shot in my head (don't do that!!!) and I was trying to intellectualize how to get myself out of my funk.
Why do I do that??? I know that that way lies disaster, it should be easy enough to see it coming and head it off.
The good news is that I got my poop in a group after that little discovery session and relaxed a bit. Not stellar Golf but only one double, in a string of bogeys and pars. (Oh and one Birdie!!! :) )
So here's what I'm going to work on: Remember I mentioned those extra long 7 iron shots? I'm going to spend some time getting back in touch with the feeling of those swings. For me it's something like a totally relaxed (almost, but not quite, not putting any effort into it at all) back swing, a relaxed forward swing, but with a perfect release at the bottom, and a smooth follow through. Something like that. I'm going to capture that moment and embed it in my psyche. That's what I'm going to think of at every address on my next round. Yes, even the putts, there's something magical about that smooth flowing swing that applies here too....
I'll let you know how it works out.
If you decide to try it, or something like it, let me know.
Thanks for reading!!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Introducing The Kinetic Golfer
Welcome to my blog folks. Glad you stopped by.
I've been playing Golf for a number of years now. LOVE the game. Can't get enough of it. BUT: I'm really not that good at it! Actually, that's being generous. The number of times I've broken 100 is in the low double digits. For me Golf isn't just about the score, it's about its therapeutic values: a chance to connect with friends, make new ones, commune with nature, spend some serious time away from technology... you get the picture.
Having said that, I've decided it would be altogether more relaxing if I could be more consistent with my game (and it would not hurt my feelings if my scores dropped as a result.)
This blog, then, is about my journey toward better Golf. Better quality of Golf, and better scoring - if the Golf gods should allow it. :)
Full disclosure: The idea for this blog occurred to me because my score had been trending down over the last five games (high score 91, low score 87, down from 100's) and I thought I had this game licked and I could share the secret with the world! You want a sure fire way to kill your game? Make a statement like the one I just made. First you'll hear the Golf gods lauging uproariously, then they'll nail your game to a tree, WAYYYY out of bounds!
So, I don't have Golf licked by any means, but I've learned some things about myself and my game over the last five weeks and I still want to share them. (Those of you doing the math: yes, that does mean that I generally play about once a week. :) )
About the name:
Long time back I was griping about the game to a very good friend. Grizzly doesn't play the Game but is a very astute student of human behavior and psychology [along with a laundry list of other stellar qualifications...] He listened to me for a while, then - rather than laughing at me - pointed out to me that I was a Kinesthetic learner. Big "Aha!" moment for me: I am more likely to learn by doing, than by any other means. I have to imagine that there are at least a few of us out there that could benefit from this insight.
The Kinesthetic learning style is different from the other learning styles, IMHO, in that it takes a special kind of teacher to teach Kinesthetic learners effectively. I am not going to go into all of the learning styles here [this looks like a great resource if you want to do some more digging:] and don't intend for this to be a teaching blog per se. But if I share with you some thoughts, those of a Kinetic Golfer, then maybe we'll all benefit.
I'm a Kinetic Golfer. Are you? Think about your best Golf Game ever. The one you would still be bragging to your friends about if they hadn't politely asked you never to bring it up again. Ever. Go through that game in your mind right now. Write it down if you have to. Go back over it and look at the verbs you used. If you see a trend of feel, touch, sense verbs, you are.
What to expect from this blog:
Some of the things I'm going to talk about, in no particular order:
- Mental vs Range practice
- Neural Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Golf
- Our wonderfully brillant, exasperatingly stupid brain!
- Karma, Zen, religion and Golf
- Doing the right swing.
If you'd like to suggest some more topics, please let me know! (Best bet: Leave a comment for me.) Hope you'll join me on this journey.
Here's hoping we find our happy scores!
The Kinetic Golfer.