Monday, April 13, 2009

Introducing The Kinetic Golfer

Welcome to my blog folks. Glad you stopped by.

I've been playing Golf for a number of years now. LOVE the game. Can't get enough of it. BUT: I'm really not that good at it! Actually, that's being generous. The number of times I've broken 100 is in the low double digits. For me Golf isn't just about the score, it's about its therapeutic values: a chance to connect with friends, make new ones, commune with nature, spend some serious time away from technology... you get the picture.

Having said that, I've decided it would be altogether more relaxing if I could be more consistent with my game (and it would not hurt my feelings if my scores dropped as a result.)

This blog, then, is about my journey toward better Golf. Better quality of Golf, and better scoring - if the Golf gods should allow it. :)

Full disclosure: The idea for this blog occurred to me because my score had been trending down over the last five games (high score 91, low score 87, down from 100's) and I thought I had this game licked and I could share the secret with the world! You want a sure fire way to kill your game? Make a statement like the one I just made. First you'll hear the Golf gods lauging uproariously, then they'll nail your game to a tree, WAYYYY out of bounds!

So, I don't have Golf licked by any means, but I've learned some things about myself and my game over the last five weeks and I still want to share them. (Those of you doing the math: yes, that does mean that I generally play about once a week. :) )

About the name:
Long time back I was griping about the game to a very good friend. Grizzly doesn't play the Game but is a very astute student of human behavior and psychology [along with a laundry list of other stellar qualifications...] He listened to me for a while, then - rather than laughing at me - pointed out to me that I was a Kinesthetic learner. Big "Aha!" moment for me: I am more likely to learn by doing, than by any other means. I have to imagine that there are at least a few of us out there that could benefit from this insight.

The Kinesthetic learning style is different from the other learning styles, IMHO, in that it takes a special kind of teacher to teach Kinesthetic learners effectively. I am not going to go into all of the learning styles here [this looks like a great resource if you want to do some more digging:] and don't intend for this to be a teaching blog per se. But if I share with you some thoughts, those of a Kinetic Golfer, then maybe we'll all benefit.

I'm a Kinetic Golfer. Are you? Think about your best Golf Game ever. The one you would still be bragging to your friends about if they hadn't politely asked you never to bring it up again. Ever. Go through that game in your mind right now. Write it down if you have to. Go back over it and look at the verbs you used. If you see a trend of feel, touch, sense verbs, you are.

What to expect from this blog:
Some of the things I'm going to talk about, in no particular order:
  • Mental vs Range practice
  • Neural Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Golf
  • Our wonderfully brillant, exasperatingly stupid brain!
  • Karma, Zen, religion and Golf
  • Doing the right swing.

If you'd like to suggest some more topics, please let me know! (Best bet: Leave a comment for me.) Hope you'll join me on this journey.

Here's hoping we find our happy scores!

The Kinetic Golfer.

Posted via email from Kinetic Golfer

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